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Server Hardware

SmartConnect's RFP Ready advanced servers, from Intel(R) OEMs and ODMs, redefine IoT edge Gateways. These servers, equipped with SmartConnect software, ensure secure connections to a variety of sensors and devices. They can be deployed in diverse environments, with selective deployment targeting critical operations.

Cloud and Analytics Solutions

SmartConnect Partners with Cloud and Analytics Solutions for IoT Value

SmartConnect offers cost-effective advanced data analytics solutions that automate data compilation, exploration, and predictive analytics, without the need for expensive hardware or staffing. Our cloud, hybrid, and on-prem analytics platforms enable organizations to gather data from various industries and business units, uncover new insights, predict outcomes, enable preventive maintenance practices, and identify hidden issues. Our Sensor Gateway Software collects and streams M2M sensor and equipment data, and analytics engines provide new insights into the performance of various types of industrial equipment, optimizing processes and providing higher-level business intelligence.


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